Da har jeg fått en ny AWARD. Denne gangen fra
Kjersti - Tusen takk.
Jer er ment å gi denne videre til 5 av mine venner der ut i bloggland. Og det er ikke lett for det finnes så mange flotte kreative damer der ute. Kriteriet er under 200 følgere og det gjør det jo enda verre.
Så da håper jeg at:
vil ta imot denne for det flotte og kreative dere gjør!
Klem Bente!
Please follow the guidelines below when accepting
your Liebster Blog Award.
Congratulations! I believe with my whole heart that
you deserve this recognition!
When one accepts the award
they agree to:
1.Thank the person who
gave them the award and link back to that person’s blog
2.Copy and paste the award
to their blog (I linked my award to the
one who gave it to me)
3.Reveal the next 5 blogs
they have chosen to receive the award, commenting on their blog to break the
happy news!
4.And lastly, hope the
artists nominated will do the above and keep the award going by accepting and
awarding “The Liebster Blog Award” to 5 special bloggers that they too would
like to honor.